- closesly related both structurally & functionally to the penicillin.
(from cell membrane 2 by Dr.Arjun)
- same mode of action as the penicillin.
Advantages over penicillin:
1.Resistance to
inactivation by b-lactamase
2.Permeability into cell
envelopes of gram negative bacteria
3.Intrinsic activity
against bacterial enzymes involved in cell wall synthesis and cross-linking
Side effects: cross-sensitivity with penicillin, GI distress, renal impairment, bleeding (especially with cefoperazone,cefmetazole,cefotetan)
There are many generations of cephalosporins. For me their names seem similar so they are quite hard to remember. However as an IMUnians, for exam point of view, please memorize them with all of your heart <3. This is covered in Semester 3, and sorry to say that I don't remember which belong to which generations now. Thats why revision is important. When memorizing, take note on the spelling such as "cefa","Cepha","cefo","cefu".
= means it is the same as that in the first row.
Tips is how I remember their name. Sometime it doesn't make sense at all. I spell their name on a paper repeatedly to memorise them.
4th generation
Example: cefepime.
Spectrum: gram negative aerobic bacteria (enteric E.coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae etc).
5th generation
Spectrum: MRSA, penicillin resistant streptococcus pneumonia,p.aeroginosas.
Interactions of 4th and 5th generation are the same as other (1 and 2).
Cephalosporin also covered in Medicinal chemistry, Semester 4.